Miniature piston sensor saves almost €10,000 in downtime costs

Miniature sheathed thermocouples for measuring temperatures in running engines

A customer reached out to us asking for piston sensors that meet special requirements to measure temperatures in car pistons during operation. Similar products they had tried to date repeatedly failed and led to costly test cancellations. RÖSSEL-Messtechnik was able to significantly reduce the customer’s failure rate during engine use by producing high-quality miniature sheathed thermocouples with a diameter of 0.5mm and X-ray documentation for each sensors.

  • Less measurement failures with a running engine
  • More durable, reliable sensor quality
  • Improved documentation of X-ray images
  • High process reliability and cost savings

The challenge

Our customer from the field of vehicle development required sensor technology with extremely small dimensions to record piston temperatures when the engine is running. The sensors needed to be fail-safe and have a set measuring point with a defined clearance range. In addition, the sensor also needed to be documented using a serial number with X-ray measurement of the measuring point clearance. Similar products used to date had repeatedly failed during application and resulted in test cancellations costing over €10,000.

The solution

We worked in close collaboration with the customer to develop a high-quality miniature sheathed thermocouple with a diameter of 0.5mm. The transition to ultra-thin connecting wires was executed with an equally miniaturized transition sleeve with a sensor connection installed by our assembly specialists. Test runs with initial prototypes produced positive added value for the customer with the sensors not exhibiting any failures. Following subsequent development, the clearance of the measuring point to the outer edge of the sensor was set at a maximum value of 0.35mm, which we were able to maintain 100% of the time.

The advantage

Miniature piston sensors from RÖSSEL-Messtechnik permit reliable measurement of temperatures in running engines. The production results are documented by X-ray distance measurements and assigned to the sensor’s serial number. Thanks to the specialized manufacturing process and accurate documentation, our customers received a product that satisfies the highest requirements in terms of accuracy, durability and traceability.

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Frank Elsenbach
Automotive expert
phone.label +49 2389 409-58

RÖSSEL-Messtechnik – your certified partner

As a leading manufacturer of temperature measuring technology for industrial and research purposes, we meet the strictest production standards. With internationally recognized approvals and calibrations, we offer quality you can rely on around the globe.

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