Transmitting signals with radio system solutions

Radio transmission of thermoelectric voltages – for reliable quality and process safety

When it comes to temperature measurement, hardly any other field is quite as diverse and demanding as furnace construction. A wide variety of materials, designs, and capacities ranging from a few liters to several 100m³ of furnace volume require different temperature sensors, which we often design tailored to individual customer requirements.

Building materials, glass, everyday porcelain, metals, melts – there’s virtually no limit to what you can heat in the furnace! Applications involving inert gas or a vacuum environment are also possible in tunnel kilns, bogie hearth furnaces, sintering furnaces, preheating furnaces or rotary kilns.

Increasing the demands placed on process monitoring also required more and more measurement data in furnace construction – but the lack of installation space and specified signal paths make data transmission complicated. In response, RÖSSEL-Messtechnik has developed a radio system capable of transmitting measurement data up to 100 meters with simple installation and without any signals. The radio technology transmits for two years without maintenance or interruptions and can also be used in plants subject to the requirements laid out in AMS 2750 for aerospace technology and CQI9 for the automotive industry.

  • Standardized temperature control
  • Materials, space and cost saving
  • 2 years maintenance free
  • Time-saving inspection concept
  • 100-meter range
  • Meets requirements according to AMS 2750 / CQI9

The challenge

Exclusively thermocouples are used in furnace construction, protected with various metallic and/or ceramic thermowells. The designs range from straight to wound, from a length of a few centimeters to several meters, rigid or bendable.

In most cases, the installation space for the thermocouples is limited and the signal paths are already fixed. It often isn’t possible to transfer signals via an additional cable for additional measurements. The task is particularly complicated in rotary kilns as the slip rings only feature a few contacts to transmit the thermoelectric voltage signals.

The solution

RÖSSEL-Messtechnik has developed a radio system tailored to the special conditions in furnace construction and capable of wirelessly transmitting temperature measurement data from thermocouples. The radio technology consists of sheathed thermocouples or straight thermocouples with a transducer and receiver unit. Up to six sensors can be connected to one receiver unit. Thanks to an integrated power supply, the transducers are able to transmit at a rate of one measured value per minute for up to two years without interruption. A range of 100 meters is guaranteed in halls with integrated steel.

The solution is also used in plants subject to the requirements laid out in AMS 2750 for aerospace technology and CQI9 for the automotive industry.

The advantage

By transmitting signals by radio, furnace manufacturers and operators can set up new measuring points with flexibility and minimal installation effort. Reliable and comprehensive measurement data increase process reliability and production quality. With a range of 100 meters, the radio sensors save materials and space. Maintenance-free transmission over two years reduces maintenance effort and costs.

“Do you have any questions? ‘Fire’ away!”

Hubert Toppmöller
Furnace construction expert

RÖSSEL-Messtechnik – your certified partner

As a leading manufacturer of temperature measuring technology for industrial and research purposes, we meet the strictest production standards. With internationally recognized approvals and calibrations, we offer quality you can rely on around the globe.

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